Terraforming Mars

Terraforming Mars is a board game from 1 to 5 players in which the players take the role of corporations whose role is to terraform and populate the planet Mars to make it suitable for human life. For that, they have to modify the temperature, oxygen and water levels present in the planet, but they

Plant Girl

From the Gamefound page: “Plant Girl Game is a tabletop roleplaying game about a family of plant children working together to prevent ecological disaster in their small town.” The designers describe the player’s role as follows: “You don’t have to be a girl, but you do have to be a plant. Your character’s gender is

Evolution: CLIMATE

Evolution: CLIMATE is a stand-alone game for 2 – 6 players in the Evolution product line of board games, sharing the core systems with the original title. From the website: “In Evolution: CLIMATE, players adapt their species in a dynamic ecosystem where food is scarce, predators lurk, and the climate can swing between scorching hot


Petrichor is a strategy board game for 1-4 players. Named after the constructed Greek word describing the earthy smell after rainfall, Petrichor focuses on action selection and area influence mechanics. In Petrichor each player becomes a cloud and aims to let as many crops grow as possible. A player can use for different actions, which