Half-Earth Socialism

Based on the book of Troy Vetesse and Drew Pendergrass, Half-Earth Socialism is a free videogame in which you are tasked with governing the world, reducing humanity greenhouse gas emissions, protecting biodiversity, and reducing the temperature to 1 degree above industrial levels at the year 2100.  To reach that objective you’ll have different policy proposals

Terraforming Mars

Terraforming Mars is a board game from 1 to 5 players in which the players take the role of corporations whose role is to terraform and populate the planet Mars to make it suitable for human life. For that, they have to modify the temperature, oxygen and water levels present in the planet, but they

Vestiaire Collective

Vestiaire Collective is an app that lets its users sell second-hand designer and luxury fashion. The app helps spread awareness on how designer clothes are a part of environmental problems such as overproduction and overconsumption of the fashion industry.

Solar Power

A psychedelic/folk-pop album by New Zealand -born artist Lorde. The album deals with nature as a an escapist haven, introspection, climate anxiety, and more through its lyrics, sonic themes and organic recordings such as the chirping of Cicadas.

Showing They Care (Or Don’t): Affective Publics and Ambivalent Climate Activism on TikTok

Hautea, Samantha, Perry Parks, Bruno Takahashi, and Jing Zeng. “Showing They Care (Or Don’t): Affective Publics and Ambivalent Climate Activism on TikTok.” Social Media + Society, (April 2021). https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051211012344.  The microvideo platform TikTok has emerged as a popular hub for self-expression and social activism, particularly for youth, but use of the platform’s affective affordances to

Creating an Eco-Identity via Community Gardening Activities

Hoffman, August John, and Stephen Doody. 2015. “Build a Fruit Tree Orchard and They Will Come: Creating an Eco-Identity via Community Gardening Activities.” Community Development Journal 50 (1): 104–20. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdj/bsu023. Theories of eco-identity, community development and community service gardening activities were addressed in the current study. The project explored how ecologically based gardening and fruit